World record attempt in Népliget
Undersigned, István Sebestyén, keeper of the Minutes appeared for invitation at the following address: Kőbánya Rock Stage of the SzeptEmber Feszt 2011 Festival (1108 Budapest, Népliget) at 14 h 14 min on September 4, 2011 beside the scales set up on the stage.Attendees: Laszlo Harasztosi, psychic, executor of the attempt László Fekete strong man, contributor Sándor(Nyiba)Németh, announcer Tamás Joós announcer Csaba Krokos organizer Audience of the Festival's stage Crews of several
TV companies and witness of the event:Zoltán Székely who informed me that after 13 years Laszlo Harasztosi world famouspsychic/paraphenomen is attempting to set a new world record. More than 13 years ago he affixed two pieces of metal discs weighing altogether 57,64 kg on László Fekete's chest, and this achievement was attested by a Hungarian public notary. On the Kőbánya stage of the SzeptEmber Feszt 2011 at 15.00 pm. Laszlo Harasztosi wants to break this world record set by himself. By this Laszlo Harasztosi wants to get into the World Book of Records and into the Database of the Hungarian Records.It was disclosed that the announcer of the event, Sándor (Nyiba) Németh will comment the world record attempt. The discs, each weighing more than 30 kg are measured one by one on the certified scales set up on the stage. After this Zoltán „Thread" Székely, Epée World Champion in Clermont-Ferrand in 1981 enters the stage together with Laszlo Harasztosi psychic. First, a more than 8 kg weight marble chess board is given over to Laszlo Harasztosi, who puts it on the chest of Zoltán „Thread" Székely. After this he puts a small-sword on this chest and a bottle filled with wine. Following this Zoltán „Thread" Székely shows himself to the audience and demonstrates that the objects do not fall off his body. Then László Fekete comes to the stage. The persons being present place into the hand of the psychic one of the weight discs, who energizes it and places it on the right side of the chest of László Fekete. After this he takes the second disc and puts it on the left side of László Fekete's chest. László Fekete turns around, while Laszlo Harasztosi keeps the weights on his chest by giving energy. Then László Fekete moves his shoulder muscles, then his chest muscles.The discs are moving up and down, but stay on his chest, they do not drop off. After this he takes the weights off one by one, then the attendees state the events to be confirmed in the Minutes.Next I, as keeper of the Minutes was asked to follow the record setting attempt with the help of the eye-witness indicated in the Minutes. The data of the record were confirmed by visual checking, and by the measuring of the weighs with a digital scale manufactured by A&D Instruments Ltd. (Korea) on production no. 1900286, having 150 kg measuring range and 50 gram tolerance and certified by a Calibration Certificate and by measuring the weight of the person keeping the weights on his body by a digital bathroom personal scale of 200 kg measuring range and 0,1 kg precision.
Next, I have taken the following data. During the whole period of the attempt besides the audience the organizer and the technical team (among them the security staff) and the crew of media were present with their audio and video recording devices. We have stated the following:1.At 14 o'clock 57 minutes the known, 10,4 kg measuring weighs were measured on the stage in order to check the measuring procedure. The measurement gave correct result with 0,1 kg precision.2.At 15 o'clock 08 minutes Sándor (Nviba) Németh announced Laszlo Harasztosi who at 15 o'clock 12 minutes first placed a chess board, then a small sword and a bottle of wine on the body of the witness, Zoltán Székely which visibly were prevented from dropping off only by the cohesive force developed between the body surface and the object so that the shearing force produced in the epidermis of the witness balanced the weight strength of the object.3.In order to determine the resulted weight force and its counterforce the weight of the witness person, Zoltán Székely was measured at 15 o'clock 16 minutes which was 104,8 kg. Next. Laszlo Harasztosi placed the two pieces, authentically measured 5,2 kg weighs on the body of the witness used during the former control measurements, after which the witness, Zoltán Székely stepped on the scale again with the weighs on his body. This time the scale showed 115,2 kg, that is the measurement confirmed a weight increase of 10,4 kg, equal to the total weight of the two discs. By this it was proved that the weight of the objects attached nearly vertically to the body surface is transmitted to the feet and to the ground by the skin surface and the tissue layer underneath via the body's frame, thus the suspension of the weighs or their holding by any other forces could be excluded.
4.After this the record setting attempt was made. The two discs, preliminarily measured as being 33,5 and 33,6 kg were placed on the table on the stage, then at 15 o'clock 23 minutes Laszlo Harasztosi placed the discs on the free chest of László Fekete which lasted until 15 o'clock 25 min. so that they did not drop off the body of László Fekete. With the discs on his chest László Fekete turned around his vertical axis and by moving his chest muscles he knocked together several times the two discs on his chest.5.With the two discs on his chest, weighing together 67,1 kg László Fekete presented the paranormal event to the audience and said that although he considers himself being a strong man, it is very difficult even for him to hold the weighs because they pull his downwards skin strongly. This experience was confirmed by the former tests and measurements, since due to the effect of the unknown origin adhesive force the counterbalance was given by the internal cohesion of the skin surface and of the tissue layer underneath, exposed to the shearing force.6.The record setting attempt was finished at 15 o'clock 26 minutes, the weighs were put back by the attendees to the table on the stage.7.With this Laszlo Harasztosi set the Hungarian record of affixing the biggest total volume object to skin surface, and at the same time successfully broke his own World record set 13 years before.The Minutes prepared posterior based on the manual notes taken on site is identified by my own signature and is closed by the stamp of the Hungarian Records.Undersigned, István Sebestyén keeper of the Minutes and Zoltán Székely (address: 2822 Szomor, Kodály Zoltán u. 12., ID card no.: 174160 IA) eye-witness attest the facts confirmed in the present minutes, which correspond to the above-written requirements and regulations and which are supported by the present document on two pages. Prepared on two pages, signed in three original copies.Enclosure: digital photos, hand-written notes, scale calibration document
István Sebestyén
Registor of Hungarian Records
1056 Budapest, Váci utca 78-80.
ID card No: AP868907
Dated: Budapest, September 21, 2011